The CC list: Flyest.TV

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Welcome to the “CC list” where rolling out interviews the hottest content creators across the city. First up is Flyest.TV.

Flyest.TV is one of the funniest content creators in Atlanta. Hailing from New York, he moved to Atlanta when he was 15, but he didn’t make his first skit until two years later. He did a cheating skit with his cousin where she slapped him after seeing something she didn’t approve of on his phone. He said she slapped him so hard his ears were ringing, and the skit went viral. In 13 hours, the video had a million views, and he was off to the races. That skit started his path to the millions of views he gets today, and he sat down with rolling out to talk about his journey.

RO: When did you start taking advantage of TikTok?

Flyest.TV: Around 2021.  But at that time, TikTok was just known as a dancing app, so it wasn’t really known for having skits like that unless it was, like, Druski or something.

RO: What’s your process for developing skits? 

Flyest.TV:  I just be creative, just letting anything I had in my mind come out. For example, there was this one trend back in the day to this song where people would knock to the beat of the drum but they’ll knock with a gun. I was like, I don’t want to make mine look so domestic, so I took myself out, and instead I did a version that was like my sister hit me up and said her man put her hands on him. That video went up. That video went berserk, man. The ladies loved me for that video. Boy, that video went insane, bro. And then, like, I just kept riding that wave for like a year. We called that character the protective big brother.

RO: How did you come up with the “Plug” series?

Flyest.TV: Growing up, bro. I had a bunch of associates that actually sold and did things like that. So, I would hear their stories and how people really waste their time. I’ve never smoked weed in my life.

RO: Is there a specific reason you don’t smoke weed?

Flyest.TV: So many people told me I would be so much funnier if I was high. I’ve never seen the reason to do it. My mom was real strict. My parents are real strict. I’m Puerto Rican and Black.  I’ve never been drunk in my life either. I’ve tasted liquor, but I’ve never been drunk.

RO: How much was your first TikTok check and did that motivate you? 

Flyest.TV: My first check from them was like $300. At the time, I was still working a job and I was like, I don’t even make this working for three days. I was like we gonna keep this going. I remember sending this to every group chat I was in like, “See, it’s working. I told y’all.”

What are two tips for people who want to become content creators?

Flyest.TV: I got 3 for y’all. Figure out what you want, love it, and do it as many times as you physically and mentally can. Do not stop. The moment you stop is the moment you give up on yourself. So, just keep posting. Don’t listen to all these people telling you it’s corny and everything. There’s a difference between hating and constructive criticism. You choose which one it is, but don’t turn yourself deaf to people. Listen to those suggestions people are giving you. Keep watching what other people are doing and try to make your own lane. D–n, I just gave y’all like five things, actually.

Follow him @Flyest.TV on every platform.

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