This Woman (Susan Lorincz) is the Killer of Ajike ‘AJ’ Owens

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*We’ve got an update on the killing of Ajike “AJ” Owens. NewsOne is reporting that a growing number of social media posts have identified 58-year-old Susan Lorincz as the woman who fatally shot the unarmed Black mother of four in central Florida.

Last Friday (06-02-23), Lorincz an alleged racist, shot Owens, 35, through the front door of a home in Ocala on Saturday following a dispute over an iPad and Owens’ young children allegedly playing on the white woman’s property.

What’s also got a lot of people upset on social media as well, is the fact that Lorincz still has not been charged or arrested. And, on top of that, her identity has been concealed by local law enforcement while they determine whether any laws have been broken.

The hesitation to arrest the woman is due to Florida being a “Stand Your Ground” state. That law gives citizens the legal right to defend themselves with lethal force. Note: the keywords are “legal right to defend themselves.” To us and anyone with a brain knows that what police described as what happened to Owens comes nowhere close to being self-defense.

Here’s the murderer: Susan Lorincz. Not gonna play the Daniel Penny game again. It’s crazy how Florida has become this inhospitable for anybody nonwhite or non-straight/non-cis at this point. RIP Ajike Owens

— shel“bey”✌🏾 (@ShellbK3) June 6, 2023

Owens’ family said her kids were playing in a field near an apartment complex when their neighbor, Lorincz, called them the n-word and yelled at them to get off her property.

The kids ran away but accidentally forgot to take an iPad, which the lady took. When AJ’s 10-year-old boy came back to retrieve it, she threw a skate at the child.

The kid told his mother, and AJ Owens, whose full name is Ajike Shantrell Owens, went across the street and knocked on Lorincz’s front door to enquire about what had happened. The woman reportedly shot through the closed door while Owens’ kids watched in horror. AJ Owens was pronounced dead at the hospital.

A Linkedin profile identified a person named Susan Lorincz in Ocala, FL as an insurance agent for a digital business solutions company named Teleperformance, NewsOne also reported.

Ajike Owens was shot and killed by Susan Lorincz

MORE NEWS ON EURWEB: Unarmed Black Mother (Ajike Owens) Shot Dead by ‘Racist’ White Neighbor in Dispute Over Kids

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