Tiffany Tarrant takes over pastorship at St. John’s downtown

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History shows that following a legend in any field is a daunting task. Tiffany Tarrant, pastor of the iconic St. John’s Downtown, is tasked with following in the footsteps of two—the church’s founding pastors Dr. Rudy and Juanita Rasmus.

By all accounts, Tarrant is more than up to the task.

A big part of Tarrant’s smooth transition into the lead role of Senior Campus Pastor at SJD was the Rasmuses’ support and vision. They put in place a year-long succession plan before turning over the reins to Tarrant.

“I consider it a privilege to serve after them. They did it for 32 years,” said Tarrant. “The way that they set it up for me and our congregation is that they really empowered me and they really got with our congregation and told them, ‘Hey, this is the direction that we’re going a year ahead of the transition.’ So, we prepared the congregation and they have been so supportive.”

Rick Nance, SJD’s executive pastor. Credit: Clyde Jiles.

“Pastor Tiffany is a blessing, and we are extremely excited about her leadership, all of the congregation,” said, SJD’s Executive Pastor Rick Nance.


Pastor Tiffany Tarrant seated in the St. John’s Downtown sanctuary. Credit: Aswad Walker.

Another factor in Tarrant’s favor is her history at SJD.

“My family came to this very campus and this very sanctuary about 32 years ago when I was just seven years old. This place immediately became our village. My calling started with just recognizing that St. John’s was a congregation that fully embraced me, loved on me, helped cultivate my gifts, and poured into me,” said Tarrant.

More specifically, Tarrant points to conversations the Rasmuses had with her over the years, encouraging her to seriously consider ministry.

“And I’m like, ‘Whoa. I’m not too sure about that.’ But I said, okay. So, me just saying yes opened up the doors to God moving me into a direction that has led me to be here today,” said Tarrant, a graduate of Southern Methodist University’s Perkins Seminary. “It was just a journey of saying yes, even when I didn’t necessarily know that it was God nudging me, but there were people who were directing me along the path.”


“My situation is very unique… I had the opportunity to watch them for 32 years to observe the way that they love on people, to see their heart, to see their desire to serve with compassion and be authentic pastors. Being able to witness that, to be right under that, for them to be my pastors, my leaders, that has been the benefit.”

– Pastor Tiffany Tarrant

Following the pastorship of the Rasmuses has surprisingly come with benefits according to Tarrant.

And Tarrant continues to receive support from her mentors.

“They have been my rock collectively, just loving on me and saying, ‘Hey, we’re with you. You got this.’ Their encouragement has really helped me be the senior pastor that I am today. So, I would say the only challenge is just day by day, just thinking, ‘Hey, I wanna make my pastor emeritus proud. I wanna make sure that I continue their legacy and that I represent them well,” said Tarrant.


And with much of the country worried about what 2025 has in store, Tarrant offers a faith-filled word.

“I’m telling my congregation and everyone that we’re gonna continue to keep living. I think this gives us even more of a reason to keep pushing forward, to continue to live out our calling and our purpose and ask the question, ‘Who do I wanna be in this world?’ And to know that no matter the circumstances, no matter who is the president, we are still called to do what God wants us to do. So that should be our mantra, to keep living, to keep moving, to keep pushing, to evolve as better people, as better individuals, and to just continue to represent the love that God wants us to. To be a light in what can sometimes be a dark world. We are equipped for the journey. God has brought us this far and I know God is gonna continue to carry us into the years ahead,” shared Tarrant.

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