Tiger Woods Disputes Ex-GFs Claim He Agreed To Support Her

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Source: Harry How / Getty


Tiger Woods is disputing his ex-girlfriend’s legal claim that he verbally agreed to support her for 5 years in exchange for her “services.” Erica Herman has sued a trust, that she claims Woods controls, for at least $30 million after he asked her to move out of his home following their breakup in October.

One of the greatest athletes in the world has finally returned to competition after his nearly fatal car accident in 2021. His wreck should have been a major setback for someone this late in their career, however, thanks to the best surgeons in the world and physical therapy Tiger is back on the green.

Now that he’s back and fully recovered, he’s faced two scandals.

Last month Woods apologized for sliding his friend/competitor Justin Thomas a tampon while on the green as a weird inside joke. That small scandal would be nothing compared to Woods’s latest drama.

Tiger Woods Sued By Ex-Girlfriend For $30M Over Claims He Backed Out Of Deal To Take Care Of Her In Exchange For Her “Services”

According to TMZ, the professional golfer’s ex-girlfriend Erica Herman is suing him over their October split and she’s filed a $30M lawsuit alleging he reneged on a promise to take care of her and thus violated Florida’s Residential Landlord Tenant Act. Herman claims they had a verbal agreement that Tiger would support her and let her live in his house for at least 5 more years. To make matters worse, she claims staying in his house was part of an agreement put in place in exchange for her “services.” She did not explain what services she was providing, but we can all read between the lines.

Woods and his legal team are firing back and calling the lawsuit bogus.

“During their relationship, Mr. Woods invited Ms. Herman to live with him as his guest in the Residence. Mr. Woods never negotiated an oral tenancy agreement with Ms. Herman. Nor was there ever a written tenancy agreement between Mr. Woods or the Trust, on the one hand, and Ms. Herman, on the other hand. Mr. Woods never transferred to Ms. Herman any ownership interest in or rights of possession to the Residence.” Tigers attorneys stated in legal documents.

Another thing worth noting is how she alleges the relationship between her and Woods ended. Herman says Tiger’s team told her to pack a suitcase for a “short vacation” and dropped her off at the airport. After being dropped off, she was allegedly informed that the locks on the house were changed and the relationship was over. Woods’s legal team has disputed these wild claims as well. The legal team says he put her up in a nice resort and gave her cash for a new residence.

This messy story is still developing…


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