Source: Justin Sullivan / Getty
Donald Trump was found guilty of every single charge against him, all 34 of them, in his Stormy Daniels hush money case yesterday. Immediately, his most loyal bootlickers, brown-nosers, and booty-sniffers circled their WASP-y wagons in flaccid attempts to defend their zaddy.
One of the most embarrassing displays of obsequiousness came courtesy of South Carolina Senator Tim Scott who took the airwaves of CNN to protect his overseer. The thing is, he had absolutely no idea what to say.
According to Yahoo! News, anchor Abby Phillips questioned Scott about Trump’s frequent assertion that if elected, he will use his POTUS power to exact revenge on his political enemies including President Joe Biden and his family.
Phillip asked Scott: “When former president Trump says that if he is elected president, he would appoint a special prosecutor to ‘go after the most corrupt president in the history of the United States of America, Joe Biden, and the entire Biden crime family,’ are you saying that that is not something that you would support?”
The senator answered: “I’m simply saying that President Trump has said it himself: The best revenge is success.”
Scott is full of hardened fecal material and Smith was not here to let him off the hook saying “Senator, he may have said it to you in a private room, but he has said it to thousands of his supporters that he plans to go after his political enemies. I don’t understand how you can deny that he has said that publicly. It’s in the public record.”
The first rule of MAGA extremism, is facts be damned. Tell any lie that you have to in order to protect the führer. Peep the full exchange in the video below.
Bring back shame! This negro needs it so badly!