Time to pass mantle of power to incredible women ready to serve

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On July 20, I was part of history. I joined over 44,000 women in a call hosted by Win With Black Women to activate those willing to work on the Kamala Harris campaign.

This was no ordinary call.

At 12:46 p.m., President Joe Biden announced he was not running in the upcoming presidential election. Thirty minutes later, he endorsed Vice President Kamala Harris. By 4:30, I had received emails from multiple women about a call happening that night.

The organizers had planned for about 1,000 women to join the call but quickly realized the excitement could not be held in so small a container. A call to Aparna Bawa, Zoom COO, resulted in the cap being lifted to make room – such a fitting metaphor.

The call was magical. Over four exhilarating hours, Johnetta Cole, Jenifer Lewis, Star Jones, Maxine Waters, and other women who have been the tapestry threads of my life shared their excitement, hope, and exhortation with eager, electrified listeners.

There were countless mayors, state representatives, and congresswomen. One could not help but wonder what our own Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee would have said. I know her powerful voice would have filled the several moments of silence held in her honor. She was deeply loved and truly missed in this time.

I was blown away by the courageous example set by President Biden just a few hours prior. The selfless patriotism so rarely exhibited, but desperately needed, at this fault line of history. Ceding power to seed the next generation is a gift that perfectly punctuates his 54 years of service.

We have the same opportunity today here in Houston. As we celebrate the Black woman who tirelessly served us for so many years, will we also take this opportunity to seed the next generation of female leaders? Will we share the mantle of power with the talented bench of incredible women fortified and ready to serve?

Power does not surrender itself easily. It is far too easy to hoard opportunities. But patriots who are committed to a truly indivisible community will make room.

And the truly selfless recognize the urgency of now.

This article was written by Denise Hamilton. Hamilton is CEO of WatchHerWork and author of “Indivisible: How to Forge Our Differences into a Stronger Future.” As an author, speaker, and consultant, she leverages her 25 years of executive experience with Fortune 500 organizations like AOL and CBRE to provide solutions that support employees and the bottom line.

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