Tracker’s Eric Graise Is Redefining His Role on Television

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Tracker star Eric Graise has redefined his role. And in ways you may not even be aware of.

“The character was initially written as a very rigid kind of suit and tie type of guy, very posh—and then they met me,” Graise shares with EBONY.

Graise was excited to give Bobby, the computer hacker who gathers intel for the tracker to find missing individuals, his own spin.

“Bobby’s a witty, smart kind of guy…I identify a lot with that,” he says. “I was excited to bring a little more of myself to the role.”

Another thing he and the character have in common: Bobby is located in Chicago; Graise was born in Illinois. “They didn’t even know that,” he exclaims, chuckling. But you may see more of a Southern slant played out in the role as Graise grew up in Atlanta.

Eric Graise on Tracker. Image: Michael Courtney/CBS .Eric Graise on Tracker. Image: Michael Courtney/CBS.

We’ve also been privy to Bobby’s prosthetics (Graise had a double leg amputation as a child). “I think what’s fun for me with disabled characters is that I like to see them be a vital part of the storyline,” he says, “but at the same time, it’s the norm…he’s just like everybody else.”

In season two, we’re excited to see more of Bobby’s life beyond the computer screen, as the Tracker executive team teased at the CBS Summer TV 2024 Press Tour. “I had an episode where a friend of mine got caught up in something, so I had a little taste of what it’s like to wander around the world we’ve created,” he shares. “They’re gonna be continuing that back story. I think that’s something interesting.”

Tracker returns to CBS on October 13. Stream the first season on Paramount+.

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