‘True Crime, Fashion and Passion’ Podcast Recounts Fashion Industry Memories With EBONY’s Editor-in-Chief Marielle Bobo

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Lovers of fashion and entertainment know that there’s nothing like getting the real scoop on cultural moments from those who were present firsthand; it’s especially insightful when coming from industry OGs themselves. True Crime, Fashion and Passion podcast delves into the deep work and commitment of the fashion world’s luminaries from the eyes of those who know it best. Based on the iconic supermodel Pat Cleveland’s best-selling book Walking with the Muses: A Memoir, hosts Phillip Bloch, a veteran stylist, and Cleveland recount the highs and lows of the fashion industry in a true crime fashion.

An upcoming episode of the podcast is set to feature EBONY’s very own editor-in-chief and senior vice president programming, Marielle Bobo.

Phillip Bloch is a notable stylist, designer and personality who has styled some of the most memorable fashion shoots, including Michael Jackson’s final cover with EBONY. He has worked with many of the biggest names in fashion and is frequently called upon for his extensive expertise and knowledge base. Pat Cleveland got her start with Fashion Fair, founded by EBONY’s co-founder Eunice Johnson. Cemented in history as one of the first Black supermodels, Cleveland has sashayed down countless campaigns and continues to be an example to follow.

From serving as EBONY’s fashion and beauty director several years ago to returning to serve as the brand’s EIC and SVP of programming, Bobo has come full circle with her journey with the legacy publication. During the podcast, she shared her experiences over her career that were fundamental in shaping her unique editorial lens and her love of fashion.

“As a kid, I looked at magazines growing up. Ironically, EBONY was one of the first magazines that I saw. My grandmother, who is 97, would have copies at her house of everything but her EBONY copies were laminated,” shared Bobo. “Going to her house allowed me to dive into the world of magazines, take in all of the editorials and see fantastical fashion and conceptual shoots.”

Outside of a shared connection to EBONY’s legacy, Bobo and the podcast’s hosts reflected on the impact that women of color have had on the fashion industry. The group also shared their thoughts on Black designers who are in a lane of their own, the ever-changing landscape of the fashion world and the importance of uplifting future generations by setting a blueprint for excellence. They also spoke of how EBONY tackles covering complex issues that are inherently important to the Black community and beyond.

“It’s in doing the work and making sure we’re telling a wide range of stories. It’s important that we have a diverse team of editors with various backgrounds and lifestyles that will allow them to contribute content to the site that speaks to that,” expressed EBONY’s EIC about the progression of the brand and about embracing a “wider scope of who EBONY is speaking to.”

This episode of True Crime, Fashion and Passion is set to air on Monday, February 13, 2023 and is accessible on all major podcast networks.

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