Trump, Pride Month, Tyler Perry

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Trump’s claim of having Black friends doesn’t exonerate him from racism

Former President Donald Trump recently asserted in an interview with Semafor that he has “so many Black friends that he couldn’t be a racist.” I’ve come to accept the level of DELULU this man is on.

Racism extends beyond personal relationships; it is a systemic issue embedded in institutions and policies. Having Black friends does not inherently absolve someone from racist behaviors or views. Friendships can coexist with unconscious biases and participation in discriminatory practices.

Trump’s administration enacted several policies perceived as harmful to Black communities, such as attempts to dismantle affirmative action and the handling of Black Lives Matter protests. These actions have far-reaching consequences that personal friendships cannot counterbalance.

Additionally, Trump’s comparison of his legal troubles to the systemic discrimination faced by Black Americans is misguided and offensive. It minimizes the centuries-long struggles of Black individuals in the criminal justice system.

While Trump has included Black men among potential vice-presidential picks, symbolic gestures are insufficient. True allyship requires substantial efforts to understand and dismantle systemic racism, not just token appointments.

Stores are more subdued in observing Pride Month

Some Target Stores Move LGBTQ Items To Lesser Seen Areas To Avoid Conservative Bashlash in 2023 Credit: (Photo by Justin Sullivan/Getty Images).

You might notice that stores aren’t as flashy this Pride Month with their LGBTQ+ merchandise. While it’s easy to feel disappointed by the toned-down displays, there’s a silver lining here that’s worth considering.

This quieter approach from retailers might reflect something positive—a shift toward genuine, year-round support for the LGBTQ+ community. Instead of just putting out rainbow-themed products for June, some companies focus on integrating LGBTQ+-owned brands and featuring diverse models year-round.

This means they’re trying to show consistent support rather than just making a statement once a year.

Given the current political climate, with many states pushing legislation against LGBTQ+ rights, especially for transgender youth, it’s a tough time for big public gestures. But this doesn’t mean the support isn’t there. It could mean businesses find more meaningful ways to stand by the community without causing a backlash that could harm the people they aim to support. I don’t think that is a bad thing.

Is Tyler Perry stuck on repeat? Social media says ‘Yes’

The trailer for Perry’s upcoming film, “Divorce in the Black,” was just published, and it looks remarkably similar. Credit: (Photo by Ivan Apfel/Getty Images)

Tyler Perry’s new film, “Divorce in the Black,” has social media buzzing, but not necessarily for the reasons you’d hoped. The trailer showcases another Black woman struggling in a relationship, a theme Perry has mined for years. While some celebrate his consistent portrayal of Black stories, others are tired of the predictable plotlines.

On platforms like X (formerly Twitter), memes and sarcastic comments mock the film’s apparent similarity to past Perry movies. Critics point out his work’s self-written, self-produced, and self-directed nature as a barrier to fresh ideas. They argue that a writers’ room could introduce diverse perspectives and break the “Black woman in distress” narrative cycle.

Perry’s defenders counter with his impressive box office record. They claim he understands his audience and delivers the content they crave, regardless of its formulaic nature. There’s merit to this. Perry’s financial success speaks volumes about his ability to connect with a particular demographic.

However, social media’s frustration is a call for evolution. While Perry’s audience might be content with familiar themes, stagnation rarely breeds artistic growth. It may be time for Perry to consider a writers’ room or venture into new genres. His loyal fanbase might be surprised by the depth and range he can offer when he breaks free from the mold. And honestly, why keep watching something if you don’t like it? You keep proving the method to his madness, regardless!

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