Trump rally in Coachella met with controversy and threats

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Last Updated on October 15, 2024 by BVN

Overview:  Former President Donald Trump held a rally in Coachella, California, where he was met with a throng of supporters. Riverside County Sheriff Chad Bianco is a known supporter of Trump. Trump’s speech included insults and criticisms towards his adversaries and immigrants of color, while Bianco claimed that there was a threat to Trump’s life but the federal government disagreed. The U.S. Secret Service and FBI released a joint statement stating that the incident did not impact protective operations and former President Trump was not in any danger.

S.E. Williams

Former president Donald J. Trump, held a rally in Coachella this weekend and his supporters were ecstatic.  I don’t think it would be too much of a stretch to imagine that Trump sycophant and endorser, Riverside County Sheriff Chad Bianco, counts himself among them.

Rumors were swirling in advance of Trump’s visit as to whether Fox darling Bianco, would use this national media opportunity to announce his bid for CA governor. Instead, something sinister occurred and–like the Trumpster that he is–Bianco sought to leverage it for his own publicity and of course, that of Trump. Unfortunately, his scheme may have back-fired. 

Trump held a rally in Coachella Saturday night and was welcomed by a throng of supporters in the sweltering heat. For about 80 minutes, true Trump supporters roasted and listened as he vomited up the most vile insults and criticisms he could muster toward his adversaries and immigrants of color, without truth or justification.

It was recently revealed in Bob Woodward’s book, War, scheduled for release October 15, that the former chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, Mark Milley, who served under both former President Trump and current President Joe Biden, confirmed what many already knew. According to reports he claimed Trump is a “total fascist” and “fascist to the core.” Milley now fears a court martial should Trump be reelected. So, what does this say about those who crave Trump’s company? Who crave his association? His validation? Who long to be his clone? 

“Shall we use our power for self-aggrandizement or for service? It has been lack of moral fiber which has been the downfall of the peoples of the past.”

Calvin Coolidge

In the Trump era we’ve tossed the words “fascist and facism” around almost as frequently as we use the term democracy. That thought alone is foreboding, especially, when you consider its meaning. Merriam-Webster defines fascism as “a populist political philosophy, movement, or regime that exalts nation and often race above the individual, that is associated with a centralized autocratic government headed by a dictatorial leader, and that is characterized by severe economic and social regimentation and by forcible suppression of opposition.”

With that in mind, think about the world leaders Trump admires most. They include Vladamir Putin,  Viktor Orban, and Kim Jong Un, among others. He uses language associated with Nazism to rile up his followers and dehumanize others. Terms like vermin, phrases like “poisoning the blood of our country”.  Now, think of the leaders Bianco admires most, like the one he recently endorsed for President of the United States, Donald J. Trump. “I think it’s time we put a felon in the White House. Trump 2024, baby. Let’s save this country and make America great again.” His endorsement came the day after Trump was convicted on 34 felonies. 

Many of Trump’s insults on Saturday were aimed at California Governor Gavin Newsom. A common enemy of Trump and Bianco. “[W]e’re not giving you any of that fire money that we send you all the time for all the forest fires that you have,” Trump threatened. This threat of course is largely driven by his attitude toward the state’s efforts aimed at conservation. But that, of course, was only a small part of the former president’s feigned fury. 

“Your children are in danger. You can’t go to school with these people, these people are from a different planet,” he lied boldly regarding immigrants of color. 

And then, of course, there was the so-called, “assassination attempt” or at least that is what the misguided Bianco said. He even held a press conference drawing the national attention he craves to announce to the world that, “If you’re asking me right now, I probably did have deputies that prevented the third assassination attempt,” he exalted. Of course, all praises to the deputies and we are happy Trump was not hurt. But the question is, was there really a threat? And, if so, how does Bianco explain how the proposed shooter went inside the first safety perimeter? 

Riverside County Sheriff holds press conference Sunday, October 13, 2024. (source:

Maybe the answers to those questions are moot since the federal government seemed to disagree with Bianco. In a joint statement posted to social media by the U.S. Attorney’s Office, U.S. Secret Service, and FBI collectively stated in part, “The U.S. Secret Service assesses that the incident did not impact protective operations and former President Trump was not in any danger. While no federal arrest has been made at this time, the investigation is ongoing.”

Bianco has claimed–see video–that the alleged attempted assassin is  a member of a right leaning anti-government group known as Sovereign Citizens. On the one hand, I want to give Bianco credit for somehow knowing this since, afterall, he was a member of a right leaning anti government group. His group, the Oath Keepers, were convicted of seditious conspiracy and other crimes against the government for their role in the January 9, 2021, attack on the U.S. Capitol. Like the adage goes, “Maybe it takes one right-leaning anti-government group member to know another.”

If Bianco has learned nothing else from his hero Trump, it is to have no shame about who you are and what you represent. There is no other explanation for carrying Trump’s water that I can see beyond the fact that Bianco may be hoping that by hitching his political wagon to a tarnished star whom he hopes will rise and shine again, carrying his political career to new heights with it. Or, he may truly be a racist, nationalist like the former president he supports. 

Where do you stand? You are either with Trump or with America. You are either with local officials like Bianco and others who still carry the water for Trumpism or you are with America. 

Of course this is just my opinion. I’m keeping it real.

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