Trump Wants To Give Cops ‘Immunity From Prosecution’

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On Wednesday, Donald Trump aka Commander-in-Thief, aka Orange Juissolini, aka Trumple-weird-skin, aka Grand Wizard Jan Sixer (I made most of those up) made a campaign stop in Wisconsin, a key battleground state that President Joe Biden narrowly won in 2020, so that he could continue lying to his MAGA minions and anyone else who will listen.

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This time, however, he managed to be at least slightly more alarming than usual by announcing that if he’s elected as president once again, he will give “power” to police officers and grant them “immunity” from being prosecuted.

“We’re going to give our police their power back and we are going to give them immunity from prosecution,” Trump said while doing that weird thing with his hands where it looks like he’s trying to open and close a normal-sized book but his stubby little baby hands just can’t quite handle the job.

Here’s a question; what is it with Trump who calls for blanket immunity for people who are in positions of power that should absolutely not be placed above the law?  He has already been shouting from every rooftop he can find that presidents should be immune from prosecution, despite the fact that it’s a ridiculous and dangerous notion, and the fact that he has called for the prosecutions of Biden and Barack Obama for ambiguous “crimes” neither he nor any other Republican has been able to define.

Now, this guy—who instigated the Caucasi-D-Day rebellion on Jan. 6, during which numerous Capitol police officers were viciously attacked—is vowing to protect police officers from accountability. It’s already a steep uphill battle for Black victims of police violence to see even a semblance of justice. Trump wants to make it even harder based on the ridiculous assumption that cops aren’t already essentially a protected class.

Mind you, Trump has already vowed to protect white people from anti-whiteness because he believes there’s an “anti-white feeling” in America that “can’t be allowed,” which is an odd feeling to have in a country that is more than 60% white and where white people dominate every important entity in Western society — from the corporate world to state and federal governments to all aspects of the justice system.

But don’t worry, guys, because Trump definitely loves the Blacks, and he’s going to show it by—*checks notes*— inviting rappers to a rally.

Anyway, Trump’s rally in Wisconsin was generally his usual lie-o-thon. He claimed “Biden came in and unleashed mayhem on our economy,” a popular notion that economic data does not support. He also claimed Biden “unleashed havoc on our border,” which is why migrants have been “flowing in from the poorest and the heaviest-crime countries all over the world,” which he has insisted has greatly increased crime in America while statistical data indicates that there haven’t been any surges in crimes in the cities most migrants have come to, and that, in many of those cities, crime rates have fallen. He claimed that in 2020, he “won the election in Wisconsin,” which he didn’t, and he claimed that he ” won the election in other locations” that he factually lost.

And, of course, the Jan. 6 inspirer added to the conservative propaganda regarding violence at pro-Palestine college protests after protesters were recently arrested at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. He also praised the police response to protests at Columbia University. (Because when it comes to factless propaganda that has been spread far and wide, game recognize game.)

“To every college president, I say: Remove the encampments immediately, vanquish the radicals and take back our campuses for all of the normal students who want a safe place from which to learn,” Trump said.

As the Black adage states: A lie don’t care who tells it. Unfortunately, MAGA voters don’t care if all they’re hearing is lies as long as they come from the butthole-shaped mouth of their messiah.


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