Trump’s criminal record overlooked amid Biden’s fitness concerns

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Donald Trump is a 34-time convicted felon, 26-time accused sexual offender, six-time business bankrupted, twice impeached Oval Office holder, self-described business cheat, and confessed p-grabbing oogler of under-aged girls. Moreover, he’s got three other major court cases waiting on him related to trying to overthrow the 2020 election. And that doesn’t count his additional sex offender cases still looming. Yet, no one is talking about his immoral, lawless ass. Everyone is fixated on Biden and questions of his fitness for another term.

Long story long, there’s a reason why it’s dangerous – as in, end of democracy dangerous – to have ownership/control of all media in the hands of just a handful of people, all six of whom happen to be hyper-wealthy, hyper-conservative, hyper-anti-free speech, white males.

White nationalist media monopolies

When basically all the news U.S. citizens get fed daily, whether via cable news networks, “respected” and venerated print media outlets or the gazillions of local news stations across the country, come from basically the same one source with the same one worldview that’s committed to maintaining its outsized power position, an echo chamber is created that essentially produces what the general public accepts as “truth.”

Experts in propaganda, government agencies of authoritarian regimes (shout out to the KGB) and university-level intellectuals who spend their lives studying the art of manipulating people’s beliefs have all found one practice to be tried and true – repeat a lie often enough, loud enough, consistent enough, and the vast majority of people will believe it to be so true, they will defend the lie with their very lives. They’ll bet their souls on the truth of that lie. They’ll repeat that lie to friends and family, folk who view these regular, everyday individuals as trustworthy sources, thus embedding this lie into the hearts and minds of even more people as being the gospel truth.

The lie becomes accepted truth

And when these folk who have wholeheartedly believed the lie hear it continuously repeated again and again on their trusted local news stations, coming out of the mouths of local news anchors they view as family, it only further verifies the authenticity of those same lies they hear on their favorite cable news station of choice.

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And how could this lie that they believe NOT be true? Everyone’s saying it. The newspapers and magazines print it. Politicians repeat it. Social media posts “verify” it.

At this point, the lie has become so real that to speak truth is to appear to be speaking utter nonsense.

This scenario goes on all the time and deals with a myriad of untruths that we have been force-fed in order to keep the machine running in a way that allows the top 1% of the top 1% to remain the silent hands, minds and mouths behind their bought and paid for politicians and Supreme Court justices.

Propaganda playing out in real-time

We’re seeing this dynamic play out in real time with the almost inescapable media focus on President Joe Biden and the message that he is not fit for office, and should step down and allow someone else to head the Democratic ticket.

Everywhere you turn, the message is the same – he’s too old, too unfit. Everywhere you look, media talking heads are echoing calls from “people” who are saying Biden should remove himself from the race for president against the 34-time convicted felon, 26-time accused sexual offender, six-time bankrupt, twice impeached Oval Office holder and self-described business cheat whose business model is based on hiring a company to do work, refusing to pay them, and then waiting them out in court until they can’t afford to fight for the wages Trump contractually owes them.

Media members began by saying “People are saying… Joe, you’re too old. Joe, you should step down.” They have hit the American people upside the head with this message with hurricane-level intensity… so much so, that now people beyond the “people” mentioned by media are saying it, as well.

When a handful of people control the media narrative for an entire nation, they can convince most people that shit is Shinola. They can piss in your face and tell you it’s raining, and folk won’t kick the ass of the person doing the pissing. No. Instead, they’ll simply go looking for umbrellas and keep it moving… reeking of piss.

This nationally conducted media narrative about Biden that has taken on a seeming life of its own has the power to work, and guarantee a victory for 34-time convicted felon Trump.

But it doesn’t have to.

They tried this in 2020

They tried this tactic leading up to the 2020 presidential election… with the wealthy white nationalist-backed media chorus singing from the same hymnal, that Blacks weren’t going to show up and vote. And we almost fell for the banana in the tailpipe.

Except, we didn’t.

We showed up and showed out and took back the White House from a madman and the gazillionaire white nationalists who backed him. They could not believe that their tactic of bombarding the zeitgeist with their lies (of Blackfolk not showing up to vote) didn’t work.

They were so outdone by the nerve of Blackfolk giving that white nationalist propaganda the middle finger and voting en masse, that those white nationalist thugs organized and financially backed a whole-ass insurrection.

Trump & crew keep clowning Black voters

The dude running to take back the White House (Trump) was so disgusted with Black people for being the difference in that 2020 election, he went after Blackfolk directly. He called out Pennsylvania (i.e. Black Philly, i.e. Illidelphi), Wisconsin (i.e. Black as hell Milwaukee), Michigan (i.e. Detroit, historically the Blackest city in the country) and Georgia (i.e. Atlanta, the mythic Black Mecca) and said they cheated.

Trump said and is still saying that the votes of those states, more specifically, those Black cities and those Black people, were illegal and illegitimate. He was straight-up clowning Blackfolk as illegal and illegitimate (so make it make sense that any self-respecting brother or sister would consider voting for this clown who was charged with his KKK dad for housing discrimination against Blacks… and who is still calling for the Exonerated Five to be executed for a crime it was proven they didn’t commit).

Trump and his MAGA cult have been repeating this message for the past four years – a message again that says the 2020 presidential election was stolen because of illegal and illegitimate Black people casting illegal and illegitimate votes. And they and their media talking heads are using the same, yet slightly altered messaging heading into this November.

New message, same scheme

Instead of saying Blackfolk aren’t going to show up, they’re saying Blackfolk are switching in waves to support Trump. That message hasn’t been able to stick, but they’re still using it.

However, the one that seems to be working for them is this laser focus on questioning Biden’s fitness for office. So, they’ll continue hammering home that message. And it will continue to work… until it doesn’t.

And making sure it doesn’t work, is on anyone who realizes that team Trump, the MAGA hoard and the Project 2025 disciples mean to end us and any rights we ever thought we had. Point blank, we’ve got to vote… not because we see Biden as our savior, but rather, under a Democratic administration, at least we’ll have the wherewithal to fight back.

We’re voting for our lives

Under a Trump dictatorship, we’ll face an entirely different reality.

One Trump/Project 2025 official said their movement to retake the White House is “a bloodless revolution that will remain bloodless… if the Democrats allow it.” I don’t know where you’re from, but every day of the week and twice on Sundays that’s a threat and a promise of violence to be leveled upon us if they don’t get their way. If and when Biden wins in November, they are promising that Jan. 6, 2021 was Disneyland child’s play compared to what they have planned following another Trump loss.

But at least we’ll be in a position to fight back, regardless of what the talking-head media chorus says.

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