Trump’s former officials plan to reshape federal government

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Last Updated on July 16, 2024 by BVN

Overview: Donald Trump’s former administration officials are reportedly involved in Project 2025, a plan to reshape the federal government and consolidate executive power if he wins the 2024 presidential election. The plan includes the consolidation of Presidential power. The Supreme Court and federal courts appear compromised by conservative judges appointed by Trump. Critics argue that the recent federal judge’s ruling in Trump’s documents case should be thrown out, while the Special Counsel’s office has approved plans to file an appeal. The choice is clear, according to the author, between Joe Biden and a “want to be dictator” in Trump.

S. E. Williams

By now most have heard and or read some, if not all of the Republican’s Project 2025 “Mandate for Leadership: The Conservative Promise”

The plan focuses on reshaping our federal government and consolidating executive power should Donald Trump win the 2024 Presidential Election. 

Beyond consolidating power it reads like a Christmas gift that promises to deliver much more–in addition to the destruction of Roe v Wade–of the goals of the nation’s fervent religious right. 

Although Trump has tried weakly to distance himself from Project 2025, it doesn’t take much to read between the lines of his, “I have no idea who is behind it,” comments he posted on social media in July. However, we now know at the Heritage Foundation overseeing the project is a man named Paul Dans. He previously worked as a top official in the former President’s White House. Also, a recruitment video for the project features a current Trump campaign spokeswoman. 

In addition, a CNN report indicated at least six of the former President’s cabinet secretaries either helped write or collaborated on the project and four  people he nominated as ambassadors were also involved, in addition to others associated with his White House. All told, at least 140 people who worked in his former  administration were allegedly involved with Project 2025.

According to CNN, at least 140 people who worked in Trump’s former  administration were allegedly involved with Project 2025. Also, a recruitment video for Project 2025 features a current Trump campaign spokeswoman. (source:

When it comes to Trump and his double speak, I don’t think any of us are surprised by his bold-faced lies. On the other hand, too many of our fellow Americans have either drunk the kool aid by the the pitcher full; or, they know better but are too focused on their own political ambitions, economic interests, religious fanaticism, nationalism, misogyny,  racial hatred, or are just plain fixed in their mindset of white supremacy and all of the entitlements they believe this entails.

But, in truth, it is about more than Donald Trump, who, although cunning and diabolical, seems intellectually ill-equipped to mastermine or execute a plan as expansive as Project 2025, but he certainly has the forces and economic support to make it real. Now, the nation’s third branch of government, the courts, compromised by a plethora of conservative judges, at the Supreme Court and federal levels, many of whom were hand selected by the  conservative Heritage Foundation and appointed by Trump during his previous administration, are tipping the scales in favor of the former president and in support of extreme conservative goals. 

Just a few days ago, the Supreme Court made a ruling that, according to ACLU National Legal Director David Cole, “For the first time in history places presidents substantially above the law.” Although the court appeared to reject Trump’s most extreme claim of absolute immunity, according to Cole, “The opinion also sits like a loaded weapon for Trump to abuse in the pursuit of criminal ends if he is reelected.”

On Monday, July 15, a federal judge gave Trump another big win. In her 93-page ruling, District Judge Aileen Cannon said the documents case against the former President being led by Special Counsel Jack Smith, should be thrown out based on her finding that Smith, was unlawfully appointed by Attorney General Merrick Garland. 


Critics of the opinion believe this decision is not tied to the specifics of the case as they relate to Trump’s purported actions, nor does it appear to be  based on reasons that support or oppose the merits of the case.  

In responding to the ruling Monday afternoon,  a spokesperson for the Special Counsel’s office stated the Justice Department has approved plans to file an appeal. “The dismissal of the case deviates from the uniform conclusion of all previous courts to have considered the issue that the Attorney General is statutorily authorized to appoint a Special Counsel,” said Carr. 

Although some consider the ruling a shock, many of us who are no longer surprised by the gall of Trump’s judicial appointees, like Cannon. However, the ruling did provide a surging wind beneath the wings of the former President as his party celebrated opening day of the Republican National Convention. 

Between the nation’s overly conservative federal and Supreme Court  justices, coupled with a somewhat faltering Democratic presidential candidate in President Joe Biden, and Republican voters who appear more as zealots fawning over and more than willing to elect a “want to be dictator,” America is clearly poised on an abyss. It won’t take much to push the country over the edge and into a spiraling dystopian nightmare of  American-styled authoritarianism. 

We must remain vigilant and committed to exercising our franchise in the coming election. The choice is clear. Currently, many may not see Joe Biden as the best option for Democratic voters but at this point, he is truly the only viable option for the country. Do not sit idly by in November. Not voting in this election will be like casting a ballot for Trump. Remember all the damage he did the last time he was in office and then imagine how much worse it can be with a Trump who will now have carte blanche to do as he pleases. 

But of course, this is just my opinion. I’m keeping it real.

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