Tyre Nichols Parents And Memphis Police Chief Speak On Video

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Source: Scott Olson / Getty

Today, the world will get its first opportunity to see what five Black ex-Memphis police officers did to Tyre Nichols that ultimately caused his death. For almost two weeks now we have been told how gruesome and graphic the body camera video is and we still aren’t prepared for the level of violence that we will see.

This morning, CNN’s Don Lemon spoke exclusively with both the Memphis Police Chief Cerelyn “CJ” Davis and Tyre’s parents RowVaughn Wells and Rodney Wells to get their reaction to the video and the steps towards justice that have been taken since.

Chief Davis went on to speak about why Tyre was pulled over by her former SCORPION officers in the first place. Unfortunately, she says that they cannot substantiate a legitimate reason at this time because there is no proof whatsoever of probable cause…

Moreover, it appears that the comparisons that have been made to the horrific Rodney King video are not accurate because the video of Tyre’s beating is objectively worse…

Following his talk with Chief Davis, Don Lemon spoke to Tyre’s parents about what they witnessed on the video of their son’s last conscious moments.

CNN also obtained audio from ex-officers on the traffic stop.

The video is set to be released after 7 p.m. today to ensure that businesses are closed and children are home from any after school activities. Tyre’s parents have called for peaceful protest, but the city of Memphis and several other major American metro areas are preparing for the worst.

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