Vice President Harris endorsed by Biden for 2024 election

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Last Updated on July 23, 2024 by BVN

Overview: Vice President Kamala Harris has been endorsed by President Joe Biden and former Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi to become the Democratic candidate for president in the 2024 election. Harris is seen as the best choice for president, and her candidacy is supported by many rank and file Democrats and party leaders. The Republican Party is expected to launch a disinformation campaign against Harris, but it is important to not yield to their propaganda. The Supreme Court is stacked with conservative justices who have made it clear they have no problem weighing in on behalf of Trump, and it is time for women and their male supporters to coalesce and work together to elect Harris as the nation’s first woman president.

S.E. Williams

America and the world paid attention this weekend when President Joe Biden made the announcement many of us hoped for–that he was withdrawing his bid for reelection. Almost immediately, he endorsed Vice President Kamala Harris as his choice to become the Democratic candidate for president in this year’s election. 

Biden spoke about the clarity he’d come to regarding how “the demands of a modern campaign” can be better met by “the Vice President.”

Former Speaker of the House, Representative Nancy Pelosi also endorsed Harris with what she declared was, “limitless optimism for our country’s future.” 

Harris is ready to take command and national reaction to her entering the race has been enthusiastic and pledges of support, overwhelming, from many rank and file Democrats and the party leadership has made it abundantly clear Harris is their choice to lead their party and this nation into the future. By Monday evening, CNN reported Harris had secured enough delegates to win the party’s nomination at the Democratic Convention later this summer. 

Most who have followed Madame Vice President’s rise in state and national politics are excited about this fortuitous change of events.  

“You are on the eve of a complete victory. You can’t go wrong. The world is behind you.”

Josephine Baker

For the Black community, for the Asian community, for women, for the disenfranchised, for those who believe this nation must begin to live its vision of being “of, by and for the people, for those fighting for equity in every aspect of life, for those committed to preserving and repairing the environment,  Harris hears us. She sees us. She knows us. She is us.  

In the coming days and weeks the Republican Party’s disinformation campaign will explode and rain down upon American voters every vile accusation against Harris that they can contrive, overwhelming the mainstream and social media alike. Unfortunately, most will repeat the nonsense ad nauseam again and over again, as the Republicans’ fabricated and/or twisted tales about Harris as if it were the gospel truth. We must not yield to their propaganda. 

It is certainly no secret that Black women power the Democratic Party and there is little doubt we will rise to the occasion once again in 2024. In addition, there is little question regarding what’s at risk for the country this year. I know… you’re probably thinking its the same story every election cycle–well, for people of color, that’s because it is. 

However, this year there is a dangerous twist–a United States Supreme Court stacked by former President and current Republican candidate for president, Donald J. Trump. The court’s conservative justices have made it abundantly clear they have no problem weighing in on behalf of Trump. The court has set the stage for him to act without concern for any consequences should he become president for the second time. 

We must not allow misogynistic thinking or a mindset of white supremacy to keep us from making history by successfully electing the nation’s first woman president. 

As has been pointed out by many, there is no better person to prosecute a case against “the felon formerly known as” President of the United States Donald J. Trump than expert District Attorney and former CA Attorney General, Vice President Kamala Harris. 

It is time for us to coalesce and work together for the greater good of all. We have the power. Women hold up more than half the sky. As women, wives, mothers, grandmothers, neighbors, friends and their male supporters, to paraphrase Angela Davis, we can no longer accept the things they say we cannot change. Instead, it is time for us to change the things we  cannot accept  We cannot accept Donald Trump for another term as president. 

We now have a viable, competitive, competent, capable and modern candidate in  Vice  President Kamala Harris. She has done the work to make herself the best choice for president. Now, it is up to us to do our work and elect her. Let’s make history together in 2024. 

Of course, this is just my opinion. I’m keeping it real.

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