Wayne Jones To Become Miami Beach’s First Black Police Chief

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If all works out, Miami Beach will have its first Black police chief.

According to NBC 6 Miami, there may be a new police chief in Miami Beach, and if appointed, he will become the first Black man to occupy that top spot. The city manager has suggested that Wayne Jones, who is currently the deputy chief, be promoted to take the reins of the city’s police force.

Miami Beach city manager Alina Hudak decided that Jones is the best choice after he went through an extensive interview process. Now that Hudak has given her blessing, the commission must make the final decision.

The mayor and police union in Miami Beach have already shown their support for Jones’ selection.

“He’s a great guy,” said Miami Beach Mayor Dan Gelber. “He has spent his entire adult life in almost every job you can have in our police department.”

Jones has been working his way up through the Miami Beach police ranks for 27 years.

Although he has the support of many leaders in the area, the city commission still has to take a vote. That will take place on July 26, 2023. In order to win the appointment, Jones must receive a majority of the votes.

Bobby Hernandez, the police union president, also favors having Jones as police chief. “We have come a long way, so it’s a very historical moment for Miami Beach. The union is very supportive,” Hernandez said. “He has a great relationship with City Hall, with the Black Affairs committee, with the NAACP. Every organization that you can think of that for years was questioning police practices.”

With Miami catching a lot of heat, especially during spring break, and with the existing racial tensions between the community and law enforcement, people feel Jones will be able to handle the situation.

“I think we are going to see a big difference next year for spring break,” Hernandez said. “The chief of police sets the tone in the organization. When you have a clear, calm leader like Chief Jones, it’s a good thing in a scene that’s hot. Because when they are calm, everyone else is calm.”

If the city commission agrees with Hernandez, Gelber, and Hudak, Jones will officially become the police chief on Sept. 1, 2023. 

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