We need these Black holidays now! Volume 1

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We all know the traditional holiday lineup — Easter, Juneteenth, Eid al Fitr, Christmas, Kwanzaa, etc. But if we’re honest, there are some days that Blackworld needs to mark on our calendars as special, significant days of celebration and service immediately. In fact, these proposed Black holidays (see below) are long overdue.

And just know … there’s a bunch of ’em. So, this is merely the first edition.

I Wish a Karen Would Day

On this glorious and most satisfying day, we revel in those momentous occasions when Karen’s got got. Watch parties with big-screen TVs? F’sho. Block parties? Why not. But the biggest ups go to those folk who engage in the very activities that had Karens ignorantly going off in the first place; i.e., BBQing, selling cold water on hot days, AirBNBing, college studying, being a realtor and showing a property, minding your own Black business – WHILE BLACK.

Say all the things you want to say to your boss, but you don’t ‘cause your ass will get fired except on today Day

For some, this day is more highly anticipated than Christmas, birthdays and even our next entry …

First Day of School Day

If you’re not a parent, this one may not get your juices flowing. But for those moms and dads out there, especially parents with more than one little one, that first day of school, whether it comes in August or September, feels like heaven on earth.

Consequences & Repercussions Day

This holy day (yes, holy day) goes a giant step beyond “I Wish a Karen Would Day” where we celebrate those classic moments when them Karens just had to FAAFO. This holiday is about Black people making sure that any and all individuals, institutions, organizations, governmental structures, media outlets, businesses, ad campaigns, etc. that mistreated, abused and/or disrespected Black people are blessed by us with a “Come to Jesus” moment. Hence, the name, “Consequences & Repercussions Day.” Why is this an important day for the Blacks? Because that saying, “Don’t kick a person when their down” is not something to which this society adheres. In fact, it’s just the opposite. This society seems to take added pleasure in giving folk who are down extra kicks, especially if they offer no resistance. That’s why, as long as folk can treat Black women, men, children, elders, communities, institutions, artists, scholars, workers, etc. any kinda way, and get away with it unscathed, they will continue to treat us any kinda way. If our bodies (our individual bodies, family bodies, community bodies and people bodies) are our “temples,” then let’s truly honor our “temples” by no longer allowing folk to disrespect them. And if fools are just adamantly committed to FAAFO, then let them find these consequences & repercussions. In Jesus’ name.

Sisters, We Got’cho Back Day

Aren’t we tired of hearing that Black women are the most disrespected, unprotected and neglected people in America? If we’re tired of hearing it, imagine how sisters feel having to endure that reality on the daily? That’s why it was beyond refreshing to see Black men in Louisiana show up at the State Capitol recently after State Senator Stewart Cathey, a white Republican, attacked and degraded a Black woman legislative colleague by cussing her out and putting his nasty-ass finger in her face. When the bruhs heard, they came out the next day 50 strong to let Cathey know that they were ready to sho’nuff celebrate Consequences & Repercussions Day right then and there. Still, there should have been 500, 5,000, 500,000 brothers showing up in support of their sister. Moreover, this kind of public showing of solidarity must become the norm nationwide and worldwide. And this holiday right here… y’all already know … needs to be celebrated er’day.

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