What Does Being A Christian Mean To You? : ThyBlackMan.com

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(ThyBlackMan.com) There should be a simple answer to that question. I wonder how many different answers you would get if people would bother to respond. There are over 9000 different religions that call themselves Christian. I guess that means that there are more than 9000 possible answers to that question. Amazing that Jesus created “The Church” while man created over 9000 Christian religions.

I believe that God exists so that makes me a Christian. So do demons and the Devil but they’re not Christians. My Mom and Dad are Christians so I must be one too. That’s like saying that my Dad is an electrician so that makes me one too. I go to church every week and am active in church activities so I am a Christian. Just like that saying goes sitting in church doesn’t make you anymore a Christian than sitting in your garage makes you a car. Besides Satan and his demons attend church all the time and they’re not Christians. But I wear a cross around my neck and have a Jesus bumper sticker on my car. That makes me a Christian. I have seen crosses on jewelry worn around the necks of rock stars and movies stars like Madonna and Black Sabbath and I sure don’t consider them Christian. In fact more often than not they wear it simply as costume jewelry or a fashion statement but not as a profession of faith!

“I am a Christian because I always try to do a good deed or help someone every day.” “I have good ‘karma’ and I’m friendly to strangers so I am a Christian.” “I always give money to the poor people on the corners and put money in the red kettles at Christmas time so I am a Christian.” “I don’t steal, rape anyone, murder, cheat or get into fights. I always try to live right and do right so that makes me a Christian.” Even all of the good deeds that Mother Teresa did in her entire life, she could not earn her way into heaven! Just because someone is a Bible scholar doesn’t make them a Christian.

Being a Christian is to be Christ-like. To live, act, walk, talk, behave and think like Jesus Christ. Christianity or to be a Christian is not being part of a religion. It is not who you are related to or who you know. It is not what church you go to or who your pastor is. It is not who your friends are or where you “hang out”. It is not just knowing of Jesus and His Word. It is not trying to live a sin free life that makes you a Christian.

Calling yourself a Christian does not make you a Christian. Too many people today call themselves Christian but have no good fruit. You can’t call yourself a Christian and believe that abortion is okay. You can’t call yourself a Christian and believe that gay marriage is a good thing. You can’t call yourself a Christian and live, “shacked up”, with your lover. You can’t call yourself a Christian and take the Lord’s name in vain. You may be a born-again believer but back-slidden. If so, you have abandoned your God for the deceptions and lies of this world. A real Christian examines every part of their daily life to see if any area contradicts God’s Word in the New Testament. Then you must address that area of your life.

A Christian is one who believes and has excepted Jesus into their heart as Lord and Savior. That Jesus died on a cross for all your sins. Because being a Christian is not about religion or just showing up for church on Sundays. It is a daily lifestyle and life long commitment! To be a Christian is to be Holy, “set apart”. Leviticus 19:2 “Be holy because I, the LORD your God, am holy.” If the world sees you as one of their own then your fruit is not good. Its like that saying goes” If you were arrested and tried for being a Christian, would they find enough evidence against you to convict you?”

There are those who call themselves Christian because it gives them an air of respectability and morality. But their lives do not reflect Christ’s life and they deny His Word and power. If you are a real Christian then you don’t get to pick and choose which part of the Bible to believe in and which part you don’t. It is either God’s Word in full or its not!

What does it mean to be a Christian today? Closet Christianity is a lie of the Devil! Those “so-called” Christian who condone the actions of the wicked out of fear of speaking up. Not wanting to be called names. Not wanting to draw attention to themselves. Not wanting to get involved in government and the law making process. Not wanting to help take back America for God. Not wanting to “upset the apple cart” in the hopes that they will be left alone in their homes. The Lord gave me a message at church the other day, “A day is coming when those Christians will get a knock at their door and they will have to decide whose side they are on!”



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