Whose Progeny Should Lead the Future?

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Last Updated on November 29, 2022 by BVN

S. E. Williams

The world’s population just exceeded eight billion people and is expected to surpass 11 billion by the end of this century. 

What this means is that  demands for everything from water to land to trees  and oil will increase proportionately, placing added strain on resources unless advancements in technology can find solutions to these growing demands. 

Many countries are struggling with declining populations and  are also concerned about their growing needs for workers. Yet, they speak poorly of immigrants and advocate for closing their borders…this seems a bit schizophrenic to me. 

As the world’s population grows, it is interesting that some just don’t think it is growing in the right places. 

While many are focusing on what it will take to ensure there is enough for everyone, everywhere as we move toward a future world with 11 billion occupants, I was surprised to learn that there are also those who are part of the “pronatalist”movement who advocate for a  “policy or practice of encouraging people to have children” according to Merriam Webster.  

“The U.S. population’s total fertility rate is now approximately 1.7 births per female, which is below the replacement rate of 2.1 that is required for the U.S. population not to shrink without increases in immigration.

Penn Wharton, University of Pennsylvania Budget Model

This movement, however, is more than a desire to encourage people to have more children. There are those involved in it who actually believe it is their  personal responsibility to have a great number of children as a service to the future of humanity. According to reports, many of the ultra wealthy like Elon Musk, for example, feel compelled to pass on their genetics to as many children as possible. It is reported that Musk has as many as 10 known children.

Another of the well-knowns with natalist movement sympathies was now deceased epic sexual abuser, Jeffrey Epstein, who allegedly “schemed to impregnate 20 women at a time on his New Mexico ranch.”

People like Musk, Epstein and others involved in the movement for this reason are obscenely arrogant to believe they are so intellectually  superior to others, that  their genes warrant being passed on in great numbers as a service to humanity. They seem to have confused their greed with genius. Just because both words start with the letter g does not mean they are synonymous. 

To expect their progeny should be worthy of such elevated standing at birth  because of who sired them in hopes of maintaining power and control into some Star Wars type future is being plotted as I type.  I am nearly certain the future they imagine is being planned as a future free of people of color, members of the LGBQ+ community, immigrants and others they consider less than. 

They even have  a loosely defined strategy to achieve their take over of the future. During an interview with Business Insider, power couple and pronatalists Malcolm and Simone Collins shared that as long as each of their descendants can commit to having at least eight children for just 11 generations, the Collins bloodline will eventually outnumber the current human population.

We’ve seen this type of pseudo scientific approach to birth rates before. They called it Eugenics. It also sought to establish a master race of the so-called “well born”. An idea that Hilter used to seed his dreams of a final solution.

No matter how pretty they try to package this philosophy of “genetically superior” children as “facilitating the creation of loving dedicated families,” the idea of pronatalism is nothing more than 21st Century Eugenics. 

Of course this is just my opinion. I’m keeping it real.

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