Will Smith has the formula for finding joy outside fame and fortune

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Oscar-winning actor Will Smith has recently opened up about his journey towards happiness, revealing a shift in his pursuit from external achievements to internal fulfillment. Smith, who has experienced his share of controversy, shared his insights on what truly constitutes happiness during a candid podcast interview.

Understanding that ecstasy isn’t happiness

Smith described reaching a point in his life where traditional measures of success no longer brought him joy, coining the term “cliff top” to describe this realization. He emphasized that true happiness isn’t found in material wealth, sexual conquests, or substance use, but rather in cultivating a peaceful and balanced inner life.

“People talk about rock bottom and I coined a phrase that there’s a corresponding place, I call it ‘cliff top,’ right? There’s no more sex that’s going to be anything but a lateral move. There’s no more money. There’s no more success, and it’s a f—ing abyss. And then you realize that the final frontier is getting your inner house in order, right? With no women, no drugs, with no money, with nothing, can you cultivate a joyful spirit just with you and you? And the undertaking of that work is excruciating,” Smith explained.

The role of detox in achieving peace

Smith then discussed the importance of detoxing from the world’s pleasures to truly understand one’s mind and the monsters within. He pointed out that this process is essential for achieving peace, which he identifies as real happiness.

Resuming career after personal challenges

Smith’s revelations come after a turbulent period in his life, which included the widely publicized incident at the Oscars where he slapped comedian Chris Rock. Despite the backlash and impact on his career, Smith has continued to work on his projects, including the recent release of the latest Bad Boys installment.

Support from Jada Pinkett Smith

In his journey, Smith credits his wife, Jada Pinkett Smith, as a steadfast support system. He affectionately refers to her as one of the most “gangsta ride or dies” he’s ever had, highlighting the importance of having a strong partner through life’s ups and downs.

Will Smith’s story is a powerful reminder that happiness and peace are not found in external achievements but in the strength and balance of our inner lives.

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