Young Thug Requests House Arrest In YSL RICO Trail

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Young Thug – Source: WWD / Getty

Young Thug’s lawyer Brian Steel has requested house arrest for the rapper after receiving a new judge on his YSL RICO case.

We’ve always heard the saying “Atlanta isn’t a real place” but the YSL RICO case has provided solid proof to the whole world.. We’ve seen lawyers forced to bring wings from Atlanta’s favorite strip club, Magic City, and Young Thug’s lawyer Brian Steel almost jailed. Steel eventually requested a new judge in the case and his wish was granted. His request was accepted under the premise of maintaining the public’s trust in a fair judicial system.

According to Billboard, with Judge Paige Reese Whitaker replacing Judge Ural Glanville Thug’s lawyer Brian Steel has now requested a bond.

“The most fundamental premise of our criminal justice system is that the criminally accused cannot be punished for an offense until the prosecution proves guilt beyond a reasonable doubt,” Steel told the new judge in his filing. “In our society, liberty is the norm.”

Young Thug has been behind bars since May 2022 and has seen over half his former co-defendants regain their freedom. His previous bond motion was denied over witness tampering and intimidation concerns. Hopefully, the new judge will grant his motion after the circus that has occurred for over two years.

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