Young Thug’s Lawyer Compares YSL Trial To ‘Communist Russia’

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Young Thug Source: Joseph Okpako / Getty

Young Thug’s lawyer Brian Steel compared the YSL Rico trial to “communist Russia” after noticing the treatment of the state’s star witness.

Since Young Thug’s YSL RICO trial began it has been complete and utter chaos from everyone involved except the defendant. Earlier this week Thug’s lawyer Brian Steel was held in contempt for not divulging a source who revealed shady behavior to him. That included a meeting between the Judge, prosecutors, and their star witness Kenneth Copeland who refused to testify and then changed his mind.

While Steel appeals the contempt order the trial is proceeding and somehow getting even messier.

According to Fox5 Atlanta, Steel recently went on record during the trial to compare it to “communist Russia” over the treatment of star witness Kenneth Copeland.

“Every time Mr. Copeland comes in the courtroom or out of court, he’s escorted by a DA’s office investigator. You see that? This court is observant.” Steel explained.”You’re not just sitting there in a cloud. You see exactly what’s going on. You hear the prosecutor tell you, we were in a room with Mr. Copeland, and he said to you, why? Why do I have to bring it up? You should be bringing it up. This is crazy. This is like communist Russia. Mr. Williams is having the worst trial. So I’m moving again to stop intimidating the witness by the prosecution, leave people alone and stop accusing,” Steel told the judge.

Copeland was jailed over the weekend for refusing to testify but decided he would after the alleged illegal meeting Steel previously mentioned. If that drama wasn’t enough, after a week of testimony Copeland alleges he lied about everything he told the police previously.

As the testimony goes on Copeland admits he would tell detectives anything they wanted to hear to “get them up off” him. He even gives examples of how he would lie to the authorities and uses the court reporter for reference.

At every turn in this trial when you think things can’t get any more outlandish they turn up just another notch. When the star witness is admitting he lied the case is probably going nowhere. Also, once Mr. Copeland made it home from his egregious day of testimony he decided to post a meme for his new followers.

You can view his latest Instagram post below.

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