Your Faith Language. :

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( Proverbs 18:21 “The tongue has the power of life and death, and those who love it will eat its fruit.” James 3:9-10 “9 With the tongue we praise our Lord and Father, and with it we curse human beings, who have been made in God’s likeness. 10 Out of the same mouth come praise and cursing.”

With words God created the heavens and the earth. With words God spoke all creation into existence. With words God created man. Taking from the impossible and bringing it into the possible. From the supernatural into the natural forming the natural from the impossible! Your words carry more power than you know. Long after the arguments end the sting of heated words spoken linger and cannot be taken back. Apologizing for your words, where it does help, still will not remove the memories of those words spoken. How critically important are the words that you say to someone even in jest. Even the words that you speak about or “over” yourself can either bless you or curse you.

If you words carry that kind of power, how much more power does your words carry when declaring God’s Word? How much more power do you have as a child of the Most High God? How much more power yet do you possess in you as a Holy Spirit filled believer? Now take those words with the Word of God and align them with the measure of faith that has been given you. The mustard seed size of your faith that can move mountains. Your faith declared out loud as a NOW word can move heaven and earth. John 11:40 Then Jesus said, “Did I not tell you that if you believe, you will see the glory of God?” If you believe then you have the faith!

Jesus performed many miracles beyond what is recorded in the scriptures. John 21:25 “Jesus did many other things as well. If every one of them were written down, I suppose that even the whole world would not have room for the books that would be written.” The Bible records only 37 miracles that Jesus performed. John 14:12-14 ”

12 Very truly I tell you, whoever believes in me will do the works I have been doing, and they will do even greater things than these, because I am going to the Father.

13 And I will do whatever you ask in my name, so that the Father may be glorified in the Son.

14 You may ask me for anything in my name, and I will do it.” This passage blows me away. Just trying to get my mind around it seems impossible.

Jesus is our example of what a Christian life is. He showed us how to walk in faith and trust in Him and in the One who sent Him. Jesus showed us the importance of obedience and reverential fear. He showed us that if you truly love Him you must obey Him. He showed us how to touch the lives of others with the truth of the Gospel. How to be a blessing to others and how to point them to the Christ!

Studying those 37 miracles that Jesus did, I have found some interesting truths. These truths seemed to have been overlooked or just ignored. I am as guilty as anyone else for not noticing them. Having been a Christian for over 45 years, I have no excuses for missing them. In every one of those 37 miracles Jesus did the very same thing. He did not pray over anyone. He did not beg Father God for their deliverance. Jesus didn’t quote scripture to or over them. Jesus did not tell any of them that they should expect their healing to take place in the next few days or some time in the future. In some of the miracles the person being healed or delivered wasn’t even present for Jesus to lay His hands on them. Healing came to them who were miles away at that very moment. What Jesus did do every time was to talk to the problem directly.

To declare their deliverance in a NOW word as a finished work. He spoke “what wasn’t as if it were”! But you say “Jesus tells us to ask Him for anything and He will do it. Shouldn’t we ask Him to touch someone that we are praying for?” Jesus didn’t ask Father God to touch or heal anyone when He met them. But there is something that Jesus always did. He spent intimate time with Father God daily. At times Jesus would spend the entire night in prayer with Father God. That is when He asked God to empower Him, to overflow Him with delivering power. So that anyone that He encountered would be delivered. That is why Jesus wanted to know who touched Him when He was moving through the crowd and the woman with the issue of blood came up behind Him and touched His garment. Mark 5:30 At once Jesus realized that power had gone out from him. He turned around in the crowd and asked, “Who touched my clothes?”

Jesus is our example. There was no doubt or distrust in Jesus or in His faith in Father God to deliver all who Jesus encountered. He knew that Father God is able and willing to heal all. He knew that if those who believed in Him and in Father God who sent Him that deliverance was theirs to behold. Every time a miracle was about to happen, Jesus spoke to the problem and with total expectancy in what He had declared it happened. It was a “given” to what Jesus expected. All those who sought Jesus for their deliverance were never turned away. Mathew 12:15 “He healed them ALL.”

It starts with our relationship with Jesus, Father God and the Holy Spirit. Spending time to get to know Him and His will. Spending time in His Word and studying what it says. Developing a close intimate relationship with Father God with a surrendered life that allows God to be God in you, to you, with you, for you and through you. That is your faith in God’s grace at work. That is when you know who you are in Christ Jesus and who Christ Jesus is in you. Your walk is NOW a walk of faith. You NOW talk and act differently then you used to. You NOW talk to the problems that you come across. You NOW direct the problems instead of the problems directing you. You speak to the problems directly in a NOW word of a finished work. For you see the end result of the problem as a finished work that you NOW declare in faith believing in the power of your God to do what He promised to do! This is NOW your faith language! Words and phrases like “maybe”, “someday”, “eventually”, “if it is God’s will” and “in God’s time” are not found in your faith language. For they are not NOW words spoken in faith. They do not allow “that which isn’t as if it were” to be manifested! You NOW have the same faith and Holy Spirit power in you that Jesus had on earth.

Matthew 10:1 “Jesus called his twelve disciples to him and gave them authority to drive out impure spirits and to heal every disease and sickness.” His disciples who lived and traveled with Jesus didn’t automatically have that authority to do these miracles. Jesus imparted it to them. Jesus is the Son of God and a king in His fathers kingdom. Jesus carries His authority as part of His birth right and as part of the Trinity. But in the natural a prince is born into his authority and isn’t allowed to use it until he reaches maturity. We are children of the Most High God and as His children have been given the same authority that Jesus had on earth. We receive that authority at our time of salvation but it is not activated in us to use until we have reached maturity in Christ. That maturity comes with your faith and in your walk. Being baptized with the infilling of the Holy Spirit and “clothed” with His power is critical to your intimate walk with Father God. Luke 24:49 “I am going to send you what my Father has promised; but stay in the city until you have been clothed with power from on high.”

Developing your faith language will help you establish a constant dialog of powerful faith words spoken in the NOW of a finished work. Giving thanks for Gods’ answering your declarations and prayers until it is manifested is what being a practicing Christian is all about! The faith language of a surrendered life carries power, authority and victory! As I started this Bible study and learned what the Holy Spirit was showing me, I heard Him say” Bring It!”

Staff Writer; Steve C.

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