Your June 2024 Andscape horoscope — Andscape

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During the first week of June, intellectual Mercury moves home to curious Gemini, which should spark new ideas, engaging conversations, and fun experiences. Whatever ideas we want to run with or connections we hope to make, the new moon in Gemini will offer us an opportunity to plant the seeds. However, since this new moon will be receiving some pushback from serious Saturn in Pisces, we should be prepared to put extra thought and care into achieving our goals. Plus, once ambitious Mars enters laid-back Taurus, we’ll need to shore up all the patience and determination that we can to succeed since progress will be slow going.

With summer just around the corner, many of us will welcome a slower pace. After Mercury zips through Gemini, it moves to tenderhearted and intuitive Cancer. While Mercury is there, we may discover our emotions and intuition driving our thoughts and words more than logic. This might not necessarily be a bad thing, since we could use some extra kindness in many of our interactions and conversations. Too, by following our instincts, we can keep confusion and misunderstandings to a minimum. When loving Venus gets to Cancer, familial bonds and heartfelt connections will be what we crave most. Pleasure will be found in spaces of comfort and nourishment, like being at home or surrounded by lush waters and greenery.

In keeping with this month’s theme, we’re encouraged to slow down once Cancer season begins. Of course, this is easier said than done but since hardworking Saturn is going retrograde in dreamy Pisces at the end of the month, it’s a great time to reconsider our responsibilities and commitments. Before we completely clock out for the summer, the full moon in disciplined Capricorn will aid us in tying up any loose ends so we can fully enjoy the break.

Key dates

Mercury enters Gemini – June 3

New moon in Gemini – June 6

Mars enters Taurus – June 9

Venus enters Cancer – June 16

Mercury enters Cancer – June 16

Cancer season begins/summer solstice – June 20

Full moon in Capricorn – June 21

Saturn retrograde in Pisces – June 29


When brainy Mercury moves home to Gemini and into your zone of communication, you may be eager to learn and pursue new ideas. The new moon in Gemini may move you to start classes, begin a writing or research project, or develop a website or blog. If you’ve been craving new experiences, June is also ideal for rediscovering your neighborhood or city. In general, Gemini season is great for anything that feeds your mind and helps you to market your work or flesh your ideas out. Networking can also be productive.

With active Mars moving into Taurus, which covers your financial sector, you might be working hard for the money this month. However, once planets start to move into soothing Cancer and into your home zone, you’ll get an opportunity to decompress and relax as the hazy, lazy days of summer begin. You’ll also get the chance to catch up with family too. Meanwhile, the full moon in ambitious Capricorn could mark a moment of achievement for you. Though with committed Saturn turning retrograde about a week after the full moon, you may decide to leave a position or pare down your responsibilities.


Your finances are a major focus this month with analytical Mercury moving into Gemini, your money sector. It’s a great time for reviewing your budget and expenses, checking your account statements and looking for ways that you can save cash. The new moon in Gemini could be helpful in securing a new job or stream of income or updating your financial plans. If you’re ready to make a lifestyle change, the new moon can be useful for that too. You’ll have confident and determined Mars on your team this month, helping you to succeed with your mission.

By mid-month, brainy Mercury and charming Venus enter intuitive Cancer, your zone of communication. With their help, you may be able to make money from your art or writing, or from another profitable idea. Of course, Cancer season won’t just be about work (unless that’s what you want). It will also be about meeting new people, enjoying fun learning experiences, and taking short trips. Additionally, the full moon in Capricorn could bring a rare travel, educational, or media opportunity. However, when hardworking Saturn goes retrograde at the end of the month, take time to reevaluate your goals.


As your birthday season continues, so do the cosmic blessings. While Mercury is in Gemini, you should feel more clearheaded, focused, and upbeat. You might be inspired to go after new opportunities or expand your horizons. The new moon in Gemini will be working on your behalf, helping you to get your plans successfully off the ground. The new moon can also help you if you’ve been wanting to switch up your style or update your wellness routine.

Try to pace yourself though, because active Mars will be moving to sleepy Taurus and into your zone of rest. As a result, you might need to conserve your energy, especially since this visit from Mars can disrupt your sleep. On the plus side, this Mars transit can be useful for projects or goals centered on helping others or championing a worthy cause. When Cancer season arrives, it can be beneficial for improving your finances and working through self-worth issues. Harness the full moon in determined Capricorn to find the resolve you need to break unhealthy ties or habits. When Saturn retrograde begins, be prepared to address issues concerning your career or your employer.


Your birthday season is almost here! However, with multiple planets in Gemini traveling through your rest and retreat sector, you might be feeling a bit low energy. Take time to recharge and prep for your year ahead. While chatty Mercury visits Gemini, you’re encouraged to unplug and enjoy as much quiet time as much as you can. You might find meditation, prayer, or art to be especially useful for soothing your busy mind. If you’ve been thinking about starting therapy, going on a vacation or a retreat, or renewing your spiritual practice, do it near the Gemini new moon.

Once ambitious Mars gets to hardworking Taurus, you’ll be thinking less about rest and more about your dreams and goals. Wait until mid-month to put your plans into action though, because by then you’ll have multiple planets on Team Cancer helping you to identify the right strategy for success and attract the right opportunities and connections. Plus, with the sun in your side, no one will be able to stop your shine. Even the full moon in Capricorn will reveal just how many people are rooting for you. Use Saturn retrograde to help you shun self-limiting beliefs.


Chatty Mercury in Gemini lights up your social circle, allowing you to catch up with old friends and make new ones too. Aim to connect with people for the sake of fun, learning, and community-building, especially near the new moon. Gaining more clarity about goals and how to best fulfill them will also be a benefit of this moon. As ambitious Mars travels through Taurus, visiting your career sector, you may feel motivated to go after a position or in an totally new direction. Just be mindful that Mars could stir up drama with your supervisor or employer, so proceed accordingly.

Come mid-June, planets in Cancer visit your zone of rest and retreat, encouraging you to step back from everything so you can relax. The laid-back vibes of Cancer season will always give you a good excuse to do nothing and enjoy some time to yourself. Look to the full moon in Capricorn to help you figure out your next steps with a work or wellness issue. With no-nonsense Saturn going retrograde in your zone of intimacy and resources, exercising good boundaries with your time and money will help keep you out of the red.


Your career may be big on your mind this month while planets in buzzy Gemini travel through your zone of fame and recognition. While communicative Mercury is here, you might give a talk or presentation on your work or your passion to a wider audience or a distinguished group of people. You could also be interviewing for a new position or working to attract new clients or customers. Work with the new moon in Gemini to secure a prestigious opportunity or to launch a project or service you’ve developed. Many people will be looking to you for your leadership and experience.

While active Mars visits plentiful Taurus, covering your zone of growth and expansion, you could be doing a lot of traveling, teaching, or exploring in June. Your social life also explodes once charismatic Venus and chatty Mercury move to kindhearted Cancer and into your friendship sector. When Cancer season officially kicks off, expect to receive plenty of invitations to parties and events. As your popularity increases there’s a good chance your coins will as well. You may even be celebrating your achievements under the Capricorn full moon. When Saturn goes retrograde, reevaluate relationships and potential partnerships.


Although life has seemed very intense as of late, this month offers you a little levity. Gemini season continues to spotlight your zone of growth and expansion, bringing you opportunities for travel, enlightenment and fun. While intellectual Mercury visits this zone, you’re encouraged to open your mind to new experiences and possibilities. The new moon in Gemini could set you on a new path in your spiritual or academic journey. It could also support you in getting your work or ideas out to the world or planning for your next vacation.

One thing you might have to be mindful of is your money, as Mars in luxe-loving Taurus could drive up your debt and expenses. On the plus side, Mars’ determination can aid you with bargain hunting, financial investments and negotiations and cutting back on credit card usage. As planets begin to make their way to security-seeking Cancer, they can help you find success in your career, which could increase your cash. If you’re buying or selling property, looking for a new home, or dealing with a housing issue, the full moon in financially savvy Capricorn could also help. Use Saturn retrograde to focus on your health and well-being.


The first half of June may be a bit intense with multiple planets in chaotic Gemini stationed in your zone of transformation. Analytical Mercury pops in for a visit, encouraging you to check in with your mental and financial well-being. If you need some support in these areas, the Gemini new moon can assist you with finding resources. Feisty Mars traveling through stubborn Taurus could also be stressful as it activates your partnership sector. There may be a conflict that you need to address or boundaries that you need to set. If so, the full moon in Capricorn in your communication zone can help you reach a resolution.

On a positive note, curious Mercury and pleasure-seeking Venus enter comforting Cancer by mid-month, visiting your zone of expansion. Together, they encourage you to look on the bright side of life and to seek out anything that fills you with hope and wonder. Cancer season is great for summer travel or a staycation. When Saturn goes retrograde in your zone of joy and creativity, aim to reconstruct your relationship with pleasure. If the old things that you used to love aren’t hitting anymore, try to find things that do.


During Mercury’s stay in communicative Gemini, your partnership zone is lit up. There might be contracts or details to go over with someone you’re collaborating with, like a client or a business partner. If you’re single and looking, the Gemini new moon could help you find love. It could also enable you to build professional relationships or find the right person to assist you with a personal project or goal. As Mars visits industrious Taurus in your zone of work and wellness, your day-to-day schedule could become extremely hectic. Having good people on your team will make life easier.

Luckily, as multiple planets travel through nurturing Cancer, your transformation zone, trust that there will be folks who show up for you. Cancer season will reveal the value of vulnerability and unconditional love. It will also encourage you to let go of what you can’t control, so you can free up mental space. With the support of the full moon in Capricorn, you could find the extra money you need to hire help or outsource tasks if needed. It could also help you secure another source of income. When Saturn retrograde arrives, use it to improve your support system and self-care regimen.


As buzzy Mercury travels through Gemini, increasing your list of things to do, you may need to be choosier about what gets your time and energy. Consider steps you can take to simplify your life or your business. Use the new moon in Gemini to revamp your wellness practice or to reorganize your daily routine. While thrill-seeking Mars visits lusty Taurus in your fun and creativity sector, you’re called to make joy and pleasure a bigger part of your self-care plan. If you need a creative push, Mars in Taurus will assist you with that as well.

Romance is also a highlight for June as flirty Mercury and Venus visit affectionate Cancer in your partnership zone. As these planets work alongside Mars in Taurus, you’re in for a very sizzling and sexy summer. However, you’ll discover that relationships of all kinds will benefit from the caring and collaborative vibes of Cancer season. The full moon in your sign will also send some supportive cosmic beams your way, which could mark a personal or professional win. With Saturn, your ruling planet, going retrograde later this month, it may be necessary to scale back on work, social media, or negative thinking.


More sun may mean more fun for you this month, with multiple planets in carefree Gemini cruising through your zone of play and imagination. When Mercury shows up to the party, engage with your creative muse through music, writing, or making things with your hands, like summer cocktails or a Lego set. The new moon in Gemini promises more romance and pleasure too. If you need a confidence boost, the new moon encourages you to be bold.

Try to experience as much joy as possible, because when angry Mars enters stubborn Taurus, problems may arise concerning your family or home. However, this may be an opportunity to resolve long-standing issues or improve your quality of life. Learning to trust your instincts can be a good way to harness this Mars transit too. As planets enter nourishing Cancer, work and wellness are spotlighted for you. Use Cancer season to improve your health or to advance professionally. The full moon in Capricorn could be emotionally cathartic and physically draining, so try not to book your schedule too full around that time. Saturn retrograde in your money zone asks you to work on self-worth or financial issues.


Think of June as a month of restoration. Gemini season continues to place attention on your home and family, giving you a chance to connect with those you love and spend some time in your little bubble. As Mercury passes through this area, you might feel more introspective than usual. Perhaps there’s a heart-to-heart you need to have with someone close to you or with yourself. Tap into the Gemini new moon for help finding a new home or décor inspiration, strengthening family or ancestral connections or emotional healing.

When active Mars gets to Taurus, stirring up your communication zone, life may become very busy. It will be important to have spaces and places to retreat to for peace and calm. When witty Mercury and attractive Venus enter alluring Cancer, activating your zone of creativity and fun, you’re encouraged to make time for romance and pleasure. Cancer season aims to give you the Hot Girl Summer you’ve been craving. The full moon in Capricorn illuminates your friendship zone and could be ideal for festivities with your besties. Lastly, when Saturn goes retrograde in your sign, you may need to reinforce your boundaries.

Mecca Woods is a New York City-based astrologer and author who helps others create a life they truly want using the gifts they were born with. Her writing and astrology-based guidance have appeared in places like Bustle, Essence, Cosmopolitan, and on TLC. Her books, “Astrology for Happiness and Success” and “The Astrology Journal: A Celestial Guide to Recording Your Cosmic Journey” are out now.

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